Everyone needs a little extra cash from time to time. It's not unusual to occasionally exceed your budget. Community Quick Cash helps provide the extra $100-$1000 sometimes needed to get through the pay cycle. Better than a Payday Loan. Our customers can borrow and pay anytime before their next due date without penalty, or stretch an installment loan over a few months as they find convenient.
Established in 1999.
Four area locations: Fenton, Pacific, DeSoto and Crestwood / Saint Louis. Now in our 20th year. Community Quick Cash offers convenient cash solutions to ease short-term financial stress. We provide quick cash to families in order to reach their next pay day and easily budget repayment quickly or over time. Our Cash Advance Installment Loan program is better, and we can prove it. Apply for our loans online for added convenience. We even make loans with no checking account required, Customers using Bank or Pay Card accounts with only debit cards are welcome, too. We encourage Employers to contact us about our commercial payroll advance program that works directly with employers. The program creates a no-cost benefit which leverages employee loyalty and cooperation to maintain their program access. Employees can save almost half the cost of traditional pay advance programs.
Accepts Credit Cards
Accepts Apple Pay
Accepts Google Pay
Accepts Cryptocurrency
Private Lot
Bike Parking